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(58 resources)
Increased primary and secondary student enrollment, recent expansion of secondary technology education programs, teacher attrition, and the decreasing number of universities offering technology education degrees have led...
This site features an article from the Journal of Veterinary Medical Education applying active learning processes in veterinary classes focusing on asking questions and brainstorming in class. This page is for faculty,...
This page provides a comprehensive guide for teaching and assessment in a problem-based learning style. Each chapter includes reading material supporting the goals of a problem-based learning scenario. Chapter titles...
This self-contained (single page) website by the publishing giant Houghton Mifflin provides a concise and useful overview of problem-based learning intended for K-12 educators. It provides an overiew of the underlying...
This page, in the National Academy Press website, gives the table of contents of "How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School." As one of the "openbooks" from this press, the site allows users to search the...
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