The use of computers for simulation can be used not only to introduce CUSUM (cumulative sum) techniques but also to improve students' understanding of statistical inference and decision making. This article describes the...
The applet, created by Virginia Tech's Department of Statistics, allows for simple data analysis of univariate data. Users can either generate normal or uniform data for k samples or copy and paste data from another...
This tutorial, created by Thomas W. MacFarland of Nova Southeaster University, describes various measures of central tendency, their theory and use, and demonstrates them with an example on final exam scores. Data sets...
This online, interactive lesson on expected value provides examples, exercises, and applets in which students will explore relationships between the expected value of real-valued random variables and the center of the...
This tutorial, created by Thomas W. MacFarland of Nova Southeastern University, explains the theory and use of the Friedman Two Way ANOVA and demonstrates it with an example on exam scores, homework scores, and project...
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