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(115 classifications) (125 resources)

Key Concept Classifications
Addition or subtraction (15)
Algebra (187)
Algebra theorems (5)
Algorithms (12)
Angles (4)
Antiderivatives (4)
Application problems for algebra (24)
Application problems for calculus (5)
Application problems for precalculus (2)
Area (18)
Averages (1)
Bayes’ formula (16)
Binomial distribution (37)
Calculus (89)
Calculus theorems (1)
Central limit theorem (19)
Chaos (4)
Chi square (43)
Circles (9)
Combinatorics (13)
Complex numbers (13)
Confidence intervals (56)
Correlation (101)
Cosine (7)
Decimals (4)
Derivative rules (9)
Differential equations (61)
Discrete mathematics (1)
Domain and range (7)
Ellipses (1)
Exponent rules (5)
Exponential functions (10)
Factoring (6)
Fractions (14)
Frequency diagrams (3)
Frequency distributions (40)
Functions (33)
Geometry (43)
Graphing calculators (5)
Graphs (80)
Histograms (15)
Hypothesis testing (91)
Inequalities (2)
Integers (2)
Integration (7)
Inverse of functions (5)
Irrational numbers (1)
Limits (10)
Linear equations (43)
Linear functions (5)
Logarithmic functions (9)
Logic (8)
Mathematical models (21)
Matrices (32)
Measurement (37)
Measures of variation (3)
Median, mean, and mode (18)
Mixed numerals (2)
Multiplication or division (11)
Multivariate calculus (8)
Normal distribution (76)
Null hypothesis (8)
Order of operations (3)
Parabolas (3)
Patterns (3)
Percentiles (3)
Percents (6)
Perimeter (7)
Planes (7)
Points (4)
Polygons (7)
Polynomial expressions (3)
Polynomial functions (11)
Power functions (1)
Prime factorization (3)
Probability (254)
Pythagorean theorem (2)
Quadratic equations (21)
Quadratic formula (1)
Quadratic function (2)
Quadrilaterals (1)
Quartiles (1)
Radians and unit circle (1)
Radical equations (5)
Radical expressions (2)
Radical functions (5)
Rates of change (4)
Ratio and proportion (13)
Rational expressions (6)
Real-world applications (49)
Regression (16)
Right triangles (3)
Sequences (2)
Series (1)
Sets (10)
Sets of numbers (2)
Sine (10)
Slope (13)
Solving equations (13)
Standard deviation (28)
Statistical errors (12)
Statistical graphs (7)
Statistical hypotheses (29)
Statistics (521)
Surface area (3)
Systems of linear equations (5)
t-distribution (24)
Tangent to a curve (1)
Tests of variance (64)
Triangles (11)
Trigonometry (13)
Variation (44)
Volume (11)
Whole numbers (6)
z-scores (5)



This is the third and final article in a series of reviews of three standard mathematical productivity packages. This article uses computation to directly compare the software packages' use for educational purposes. The...
9th Grade Math Practice Questions to test addition, multiplication, word-problem skills, and basic algebraic skills. Includes answers and explanations. From the Proficiency Building Activities of the NASA Lewis Research...
This webpage offers a doctoral dissertation in which the author proposes a theoretical framework to analyze and describe students' mathematical thinking in physics. The author addresses two particular questions. What are...
By Jeff Knisley of East Tennessee State University, this 2002 article outlines Knisley's own model of mathematical learning based on his own research and observation in hopes that it will be used "to guide the...
This web page provides a preliminary look at the pedagogy behind a vision to improve the teaching of mathematics and to provide math relevant to students studying emerging technologies. Recommendations stress critical...
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