This tutorial, created by Thomas W. MacFarland of Nova Southeaster University, describes various measures of central tendency, their theory and use, and demonstrates them with an example on final exam scores. Data sets...
This site, created by Boston University's Center for Polymer Studies, provides the description and instructions for, as well as the link to, the "Diffusion Limited Aggregation: Growing Fractal Structures" applet. This...
This online, interactive lesson on distributions provides examples, exercises, and applets which explore the basic types of probability distributions and the ways distributions can be defined using density functions,...
This article, created by P.J. Page, describes a project from biology. The purpose was to form an opinion on whether populations of Daphnia and Bristlebacks (Thysanura, small water creatures), cluster or whether they...
This article, created by Flavia R. Jolliffee of Brunel University, describes a sampling experiments based on opinion-poll type data as an alternative to coin-tossing experiments for social science students. Jolliffe...
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