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This is Hurricane Alma on May 29, 2002 as seen by TRMM and GOES. The animation zooms down to Hurricand Alma and then scans across the cloud tops to reveal the underlying rain structure. There are 3 isosurfaces defined...
This animation shows Tropical Storm Cristobal on August 7, 2002 . Cristobal was located east of St. Augustine, Florida. The storm has had a maximum sustained wind speed of 45 MPH.Cristobal is expected to move...
Tsunamis are the result of processes that shape the Earth's surface: earthquakes, volcanic events, and landslides. People cannot control the dynamic forces that drive tectonic events; however, they can reduce the number...
This instructional guide is designed to provide instructors with lecture materials and resources that examine the complex relationship between wetlands and hurricanes using Hurricane Katrina as a case study. Student...
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