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(37 classifications) (18 resources)

Classifications (LC)
Acoustics. Sound (37)
Addresses, essays, lectures (5)
Atomic physics. Constitution and properties of matter (209)
Biography (29)
Collected works (nonserial) (1)
Communication in physics (18)
Data processing (1)
Descriptive and experimental mechanics (143)
Dictionaries and encyclopedias (4)
Directories (3)
Electricity and magnetism (326)
Elementary textbooks (2)
Force and energy (General) (85)
General works, treatises, and advanced textbooks (7)
Geomagnetism (16)
Geophysics. Cosmic physics (46)
Handbooks, tables, formulas, etc. (2)
Heat (50)
History (20)
Laboratories (1)
Mathematical physics (54)
Meteorology. Climatology (345)
Museums. Exhibitions (2)
Nomenclature, terminology, notation, abbreviations (1)
Nuclear and particle physics. Atomic energy. Radioactivity (135)
Optics. Light (170)
Periodicals, societies, congresses, serial publications (21)
Philosophy. Methodology (2)
Physics as a profession. Vocational guidance (5)
Pictorial works and atlases (2)
Popular works (1)
Radiation physics (General) (35)
Recreations, home experiments, etc. (2)
Special aspects of the subject as a whole (1)
Study and teaching. Research (484)
Weights and measures (69)
Women in physics. Women physicists (14)



Art of Science 2006 is a gallery of images, videos, and sounds produced in the course of research or incorporating concepts from science submitted by the Princeton University community. Both scientists and artists...
This interactive resource from the physics department at Boston University illustrates Coulomb's law. The simulation allows the user to graph the dependence of the Coulomb force on the distance between charges.
This is a short study guide from the University of Maryland's Physics Education Research Group on introducing, interpreting, and using complex numbers. Mathematical equations are included to help students understand the...
This is the website for Discover magazine. Users may access all the latest scientific news and research. The site is regularly updated and includes many different classroom and lab activities for educators. Back issues...
Materials for Precalculus, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, and Engineering Math, with application areas in biology, chemistry, economics,...
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