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(30 classifications) (47 resources)

Classifications (LC)
Addresses, essays, lectures (3)
Aeronomy. Upper atmosphere (62)
Aqueous vapor (48)
Atmospheric chemistry (35)
Atmospheric pollutants (7)
Atmospheric pressure (4)
Atmospheric shells (General) (11)
Auroras (21)
Climatology and weather (153)
Communication of meteorological information (1)
Construction of weather maps, charts, etc. (7)
Cosmic relations. Influence on sun and moon, etc. (2)
Dictionaries and encyclopedias (2)
Dynamic meteorology (11)
Electrical phenomena in the atmosphere (12)
History (5)
Meteorological optics (5)
Meteorological stations and observatories. Weather services (6)
Micrometeorology (1)
Nomenclature, terminology, notation, abbreviations (4)
Paleoclimatology (14)
Periodicals, societies, congresses, serial publications (4)
Radio meteorology. Microwave meteorology (3)
Special topics, A-Z (16)
Study and teaching. Research (78)
Technique. Instructions for observers (4)
Temperature and radiation (28)
Weather broadcasting (1)
Weather signals, storm warnings, etc. (1)
Wind (40)



This exhibit from Exploratorium Exhibit Services simulates the formation of desert landscapes. The site provides a link to a QuickTime video of the exhibit.
This radio broadcast discusses how scientists' views of global warming have changed since the subject first emerged some 20 years ago. Topics include the nature of the warming process, once thought to be a gradual...
Mish Denlinger of San Francisco's Exploratorium created Auroras: Paintings in the Sky, a Web exhibit devoted to this beautiful celestial phenomenon. Visitors are introduced to how auroras are created, what they look from...
This video segment, adapted from a NOVA broadcast, provides an account of the 1995 avalanche that overran the fishing village of Flateyri, Iceland, killing 20 people. It also points out the unpredictability of such...
The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) website includes a collection of educational resources related to climate and energy science. The site also hosts an online community for educators to share and...
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