An animated Powerpoint presentation for seismic refraction geophysics used on a simple two-layer system (soil over rock). Compression wave measurements used to determine depth to horizontal bedrock surface.
This radio broadcast features a researcher who noticed unusual behavior in elephants while working in a national park in Namibia. Groups of elephants sometimes stood perfectly still, as if trying to pick up faint...
This teacher's guide is intended to provide suggestions on how to teach about seismic waves. It provides information on the types and properties of seismic waves and instructions for using some simple materials,...
This teaching box is an online assemblage of related learning concepts that focus on teaching students about how and why earthquakes cause damage. These activities are presented as an inquiry exploration, in which...
This lesson covers the interior of the Earth, geological differentiation, plate tectonics, composition and layers of the atmosphere, weather and climate, consequences of rotation for weather, the magnetic field,...
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