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(21 classifications) (5 resources)

Classifications (LC)
Basins. Sedimentary basins (5)
Continental drift (5)
Coral islands and reefs. Atolls (11)
Dynamic geology (1)
Earth movements. Mass movements (16)
Earth's crust. Isostasy (4)
Geochemistry (22)
Geographical divisions (7)
Geological time. Age of the earth (14)
History (1)
Interior of the earth. Internal structure of the earth (6)
Mountain building. Orogeny (1)
Periodicals, societies, congresses, serial publications (1)
Plate tectonics (35)
Sea-floor spreading (2)
Sedimentation (10)
Special topics, A-Z (5)
Structural geology (49)
Study and teaching. Research (39)
Volcanoes and earthquakes (122)
Weathering (2)



Most people are familiar with Shel Silverstein's poem "Where the Sidewalk Ends", but do they know where and why sidewalks crack? It's a valid and worthy question, and this handy educational activity from Charles Onasch...
At this Science at National Aeronautics and Space Administration site, you'll learn about the physics of sand movement and the research done to understand mechanisms of dune migration. The physics and the landforms are...
This set of interactive online simulations shows the forces that may be at work on geologic structures or on man-made structures during an earthquake. Users can see examples of compression, tension, bending, and torsion....
This lesson covers the interior of the Earth, geological differentiation, plate tectonics, composition and layers of the atmosphere, weather and climate, consequences of rotation for weather, the magnetic field,...
This video segment adapted from NOVA shows a dramatic landscape created by relatively recent rock-forming activity in the Grand Canyon. Volcanic eruptions only a million years ago created the canyon's youngest rocks. In...

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