Step-by-step instructions walk users through working with data from a seismic wave model in a freely available GIS (geographic information system) program, ESRI's ArcVoyager SE. Users generate and examine maps and...
This guide provides instructions for educators on the classroom use of seismic data from the Broadband Seismic Data Collection Center (BSDCC). BSDCC collects and distributes seismic data from several regional networks...
This tutorial instructs students on how to create simulations of P- and S-waves by using simple materials; a Slinky toy and a length of rope.
This lesson introduces students to a real-world application in which seismic waves are used to reveal the shallow structure of the Earth. Students will explore the concepts of reflected and refracted seismic waves and...
This report describes a study in which seismic profiling was used to re-interpret the origin of Upheaval Dome, Utah, a geologic structure that was originally thought to be the results of a salt diapir, but which the...
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