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(45 classifications) (19 resources)

Key Concept Classifications
Automation (8)
Bolts (3)
Centrifugal (5)
Computer numerical control (CNC) (2)
Computer-aided design (CAD) (45)
Conduction (2)
Control systems (7)
Convection (2)
Dynamics and vibrations (2)
Energy conservation (14)
Fluid dynamics (7)
Fluid mechanics (8)
Fluids (6)
Fuels (25)
Grinding (1)
Heat (4)
Heat transfer (4)
HVAC (1)
Inertia (5)
Instrumentation (4)
Machine design (19)
Material behavior (8)
Material processing (1)
Material strength (3)
Materials (23)
Measurement (2)
Optics (14)
Power generation (7)
Pressure (3)
Pumps (2)
Robotics (18)
Safety factors (4)
Shafts (1)
Shear (3)
Solids (1)
Springs (2)
Strain (1)
Stress (1)
Stress analysis (2)
Temperature (1)
Tension (2)
Thermodynamics (1)
Transportation (9)
Viscosity (1)
Watts (2)



Community colleges play an important role in starting students on the road to engineering careers, but students often face obstacles in transferring to four-year educational institutions to continue their education....
In a recent article in Harvard Business Review, it's argued that a country's economic compositeness is tied directly to its ability to mobilize and harness the creative energies of its people. Although America may be...
This webpage features an article by Donna Milgram of IWITTS that explores the gender differences in teaching science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). There are gender differences in learning styles specific to...
This website from Live Science looks at a multitude of topics and the latest news and/or inventions in the topic. Topics include: Nanotechnolgy, Science, Robots, Biotechnology, Inventions, Technology and more. Each page...
This website, created by Live Science, provides current information on what is happening in technology. The site features videos and textual information on broad technical topics, including electronics, robotics, energy,...
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