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This online resource is intended to help students understand concepts from probability and statistics and covers many topics from introductory to advanced. You can follow the progression of the text, or you can click on...
This page, created by Ino Dinov of the University of California, Berkeley, provides links to distribution calculators, conceptual demonstration applets, statistical tables, online data analysis packages, function and...
Created by John W. Braun of the University of Winnipeg, the dataset described in this article contains information on three hundred and forty five plays on an electronic slot machine and the prize for each. This data can...
This hands-on activity is appropriate for a lab or discussion section for an introductory statistics class, with 8 to 40 students. Each student performs a binomial experiment and computes a confidence interval for the...
Given the population incidence of a certain disease, and the conditional probabilities of positive and negative test results, what are the probabilities for a particular test result of a true positive, true negative,...
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