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(26 classifications) (468 resources)

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Anthropology (45)
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State history (10)
Technology (63)
Technology and civilization (23)
United States Constitution (5)
United States government (91)
United States history (42)
Urban studies (46)
World history (29)



Based at the Isaac Funk Family Library at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, the Agricultural Communications Documentation Center (ACDC) is a fine way to learn about the latest developments throughout the...
While Alfred Thayer Mahan may have been obsessed with the role of naval power in warfare, the 20th century saw the rise of air and space power in a way that might have surprised even Mahan himself. Persons with an...
One name looms large for the general public when the word "evolution" is mentioned: Charles Darwin. Of course, others are quite aware that Alfred Russel Wallace co-discovered the theory of evolution with Darwin, a fact...
The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) has compiled a collection of mathematics resources related to various subjects and disciplines. “Math Across the Community College Curriculum” is the...
Priorities and tasks of a human resources management employee and team are outlined by Carter McNamara, MBA, Ph.D., in this free website. McNamara is responsible for this compilation as "a volunteer effort to the...
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