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(27 classifications) (6 resources)

Classifications (LC)
Collections (4)
Communication in crop science (5)
Directories (2)
Economic botany (1)
Economic zoology applied to crops. Agricultural zoology (2)
Field crops (39)
Flowers and flower culture. Ornamental plants (24)
Food crops (5)
Fruit and fruit culture (12)
Gardens and gardening (55)
Harvesting, curing, storage (1)
History and conditions (1)
Horticulture. Horticultural crops (37)
Irrigation farming (1)
Landscape gardening. Landscape architecture (15)
Methods for special areas (2)
Nomenclature (2)
Nurseries. Nursery industry (1)
Parks and public reservations (5)
Periodicals and societies (1)
Pests and diseases (51)
Propagation (3)
Seeds. Seed technology (2)
Special aspects of crops and plant culture as a whole, A-Z (3)
Study and teaching. Research (10)
Vegetables (6)
Vocational guidance (2)



State extension programs are a great way for interested parties to learn about everything from community development to integrated pest management. These publications from the Virginia Cooperative Extension cover these...
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