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(7 classifications) (9 resources)

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By individual or type of plant or tree, A-Z (14)
Directories (1)
Economic entomology (17)
Garden pests and diseases (1)
Pest control and treatment of diseases. Plant protection (21)
Plant pathology (15)
Weeds, parasitic plants, etc. (10)



In many parts of the United States, plants are packing it in for winter, but the plant disease diagnostic clinic at Cornell University can still provide some answers to houseplant and greenhouse questions. Bookmark the...
This Web site from the Cornell Institute for Food, Agriculture, and Development contains a newly developed prototype of the "Global Crop Pest Identification and Information Services in Integrated Pest Management (IPM)."...
Developed at Ohio State University, PlantFacts is the result of the merging of several digital collections on plants. The website is split into five sources of information: a web search engine that deals solely with...
Located at the crossroads of the United States, the University of Illinois�s well-regarded Extension division has provided outreach services to the state�s residents for over a century. For over a decade, they have also...
The Emerald Ash Borer(EAB) has become a pesky problem in North America in recent years, after being introduced into the ecosystem in the early 1990s. This information site from the USDA Forest Service is dedicated to...
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