The book, Sorbjan, Z (1996):Hands-on Meteorology, published by the American Meteorological Society, is an excellent source of ideas for teachers to use in the classroom. However, no book can be complete, so this web site...
This activity introduces two different representations of spectra: the photographic representation, such as the rainbow, and the graphical representation used more often by astronomers. A rainbow is often given as an...
This Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) activity explores the controversy over whether or not there is life on Mars. Part of the Mysteries of Deep Space Program that originally aired in April 1997, the activity includes...
The analysis of paint helps establish authenticity or works of art. This laboratory experiment, still under development at the time of this report, helps students put measurements in context. The linked discussion forum...
This website from David M. Harrison of the University of Toronto's physics department provides an animation of the addition of two vectors. Instructors may use this animation in explaining the concept of adding vectors...
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