This website on electronics is set up to explain electronics, how it works, and how it relates to the mad lab parts for their electronic kits. The lessons are free and gives good basic information for the beginner....
This case study describes a research study in which a number of ethical questions come up. It helps to communicate the fundamental ethical principles that apply to research involving human subjects. The material would be...
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this lesson plan for students learning about polymers. The class will create a material similar to silly putty using cross linking polymers. The...
This case study will introduce students to the important concepts of scientific discovery and inquiry through the example of a living coelacanth, a fish which was believed to be extinct for over 70 million years. It...
This website, created by Lindsay Marie Bartolone at Princeton University, gives astronomy teachers labs and activities for their students that meet the requirements of the Core Curriculum Content Standards of the State...
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