This applet, created by Kevin O'Bryant of the University of California - San Diego, illustrates the code breaking process entitled "Rectangular Transposition Encryption System." This interactive resource is fun, but...
The British Geological Survey (BGS) has a wealth of information about the earth sciences, and they are quite willing to share it with others. This page contains information and resources for anyone interested in geology...
Students build a working spectroscope to study the nature of light. (Younger students use a prism to learn about the rainbow.) The curriculum includes study guides for various grade groups, PowerPoints to explain...
This series of lectures, created by Salman Khan of the Khan Academy, features topics covered in the first two or three semesters of college calculus; Everything from limits to derivatives to integrals to vector calculus....
This page, presented by the College Board, describes the course and exams for high school Advanced Placement Calculus AB focusing on differential and integral calculus. The three broad topics here are: Functions,...
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