Looking to delve into the world of solid-state chemistry? Why not check out this excellent introduction to the subject, provided courtesy of MIT and their OpenCourseWare (OCW) initiative. This is not just an introduction...
MIT Open Courseware provides free and open resources from a broad range of classes. This Physics collection contains material from physics classes ranging from introductory physics to advanced graduate courses. The...
The Physics Classroom presents this tutorial on momentum and its conservation. The three laws are three laws are explained and their application to the analysis of the motion of objects in one dimension is discussed....
This website presents the Mote Marine Laboratory (MML), "an independent, nonprofit research organization dedicated to excellence in marine science and education." The MML website links to information about the...
In spite of the unpredictability of volcanoes, scientists have learned to read the many signs they display prior to an eruption, in the hope of minimizing damage to lives and personal property. This video segment...
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