This case study looks at how the scientific process really works, particularly in respect to evolutionary biology. Using the example of the discovery of the platypus, the lesson ties in easily with biology or zoology...
Dr. Peter Scholle, a professor of geology at New Mexico Tech, oversees this site showcasing the geology of the Permian reefs of West Texas and southeastern New Mexico. The Salado Formation, part of this sequence, has...
The Analytical Sciences Digital Library (ASDL) provides a collection of peer-reviewed web-based educational resources related to technical resources in the analytical sciences. Materials include articles, labware,...
This not-for-profit, North Carolina community-based effort promotes farmland protection and sustainable production systems through research, development, policy support and promotion.
Part of MIT's innovative OpenCourseWare Project, that provides materials from MIT classes to the public on the web, this site provides models for a design studio for housing, with a significant topic being compensating...
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