This inquiry lesson teaches students about the properties of materials, specifically they will learn about superhydrophobic coated materials in contrast to uncoated materials. This contains a teacher's preparatory guide...
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, covers the concept of relative size. Students will learn that "cells are quite big when compared to nanomaterials" and examine ways to keep...
One of eighteen quizzes on neuroanatomy accompanying the HyperBrain tutorial. The quizzes require the free Macromedia Flash player plugin. Illustrations modified from "Neuroanatomy - An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and...
One of eighteen quizzes on neuroanatomy accompanying the HyperBrain tutorial. The quizzes require the free Macromedia Flash player plugin. Illustrations modified from "Neuroanatomy - An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and...
One of eighteen quizzes on neuroanatomy accompanying the HyperBrain tutorial. The quizzes require the free Macromedia Flash player plugin. Illustrations modified from "Neuroanatomy - An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and...
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