The Evaluation Center's mission is to advance the theory, practice, and utilization of evaluation. The Center's principal activities are research, development, dissemination, service, instruction, and national and...
With the stated mission of serving "as the premier information site for scholars interested in evolutionary thought in the social sciences," this site offers materials relating to a broad interdisciplinary field that...
The Exploratorium is a world-renowned exhibit facility and provides a plethora of resources for teachers, the public, and the Earth science education community. One of the first science museums to go online, The...
Falls of the Ohio State Park, on the banks of the Ohio river, is home to 386 million year old fossil beds, among the largest naturally exposed Devonian fossil beds in the world. The interpretive center, featuring a video...
With a penchant for invasive species management and habitat restoration, the Fisheries and Habitat Conservation Program within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is interested in creating an environment for both "healthy...
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