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Title: Evolutionary Theories in Social Sciences PDF
Url: http://etss.net/index.php/weblog/news/
Publisher: Northwestern University
Description: With the stated mission of serving "as the premier information site for scholars interested in evolutionary thought in the social sciences," this site offers materials relating to a broad interdisciplinary field that includes sociobiology, management, evolutionary biology, business history, anthropology, and even mathematics and engineering, among others. The site includes an extensive, discipline-indexed bibliography, book reviews (with authorial replies), abstracts of working papers, a discussion list, conference and symposium news, a listing of researchers with contact information, a listing of links to relevant print and e-journals, and PhD syllabi, including links to course texts from the Kellogg School of Management and the European Doctoral Training Programme on the Economics of Technological and Institutional Change. Note: authors may be contacted through the site for copies of working papers (there is no mention of a fee for these copies). The site is maintained by two social scientists from Northwestern University, Johann Peter Murmann and Joe Fleischhacker.
LC Classification: Political science -- Political theory -- State. Theories of the state -- Social and evolutionary theories of the state
Social sciences -- Economic theory. Demography -- Economic theory. Demography -- Economic theory -- History of economics. History of economic theory -- Special schools -- Evolutionary economics
Social sciences -- Sociology (General) -- Sociology -- Culture -- Cultural evolution. Social evolution
Social sciences -- Sociology (General) -- Sociology -- Culture -- Cultural evolution. Social evolution -- General works
GEM Subject: Social studies
Social studies -- Human relations
Social studies -- Anthropology
Date Issued: 1999 - 2005
Resource Type: Event
Reference Material
Reference Material -- Bibliography
Format: Document -- PDF
Language: English
Rights: Johann Peter Murmann, retains copyright to all content of this web site
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 16
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