This website, created by Dr. Hossein Arsham of the University of Baltimore, is a collection of analysis tools commonly used in statistics and mathematics. These tools are divided into seven categories: 1) Summarizing...
Provided by the University of Vienna’s futureMedia initiative, the Maths Online Gallery consists of a large collection of extremely useful interactive learning units that demonstrate mathematical concepts. A large...
This site, created by the Department of Statistics at Yale University, gives an explanation, a definition and an example of mean and variance of random variables. Definitions and properties are also included. Overall,...
This site, created by Michelle Lacey of Yale University, gives a definition and an example of numerical summaries. Topics include: mean, median, quantiles, variance, and standard deviation. While brief, the site is...
This applet, created by author Ivo Dinov of the University of California, Berkeley, allows users to input their own data and perform one and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). This interactive resource requires Java...
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