The applet, created by Virginia Tech's Department of Statistics, allows you see how probabilities are determined from the exponential distribution. The user determines the mean of the distribution and the limits of...
This page, created by Ivo Dinov of the University of California, Berkeley, provides a table of F distribution probabilities for alpha = 0.10, 0.05, 0.025, and 0.01. This is nice reference tool for anyone studying...
Richard Lowry of Vassar College has created a java program to generate a graphic and numerical display of the properties of the F-distributions, for any value of df_numerator and for values of df_denominator > = 5. When...
Created by Kyle Siegrist of the University of Alabama-Huntsville, this is an online, interactive lesson on finite sampling models. The lesson provides examples, exercises, and applets that include hypergeometric...
For a situation in which independent binomial events are randomly sampled in sequence, this page will calculate (a) the probability that you will end up with exactly k instances of the outcome in question, with the final...
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