This applet, created by Kevin O'Bryant of the University of California - San Diego, illustrates the code breaking process entitled "Rectangular Transposition Encryption System." This interactive resource is fun, but...
Created by George Reese of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, this resource gives some background on the Buffon's needle problem. The site provides a link to an applet that allows one to simulate dropping a...
This is the description and instructions for the Can You Beat Randomness? : The Lottery Game applet. It is a simulation of flipping coins. Students are asked to make conjectures about randomness and how certain...
This site, created by Michelle Lacey of Yale University, gives a definition and an example of categorical data. Topics include two-way tables, bar graphs, and segmented bar graphs. The author provides a nice...
The Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education (CAUSE) was part of an initiative created by the American Statistical Association, and their website was designed to "support and advance...
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