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The January/February 2009 issue of Change magazine features a series of articles entitled, "Courageous Conversations: Achieving the Dream and the Importance of Student Success," with an introduction written by Margaret...
Bringing a more diverse student body into the world of higher education is important, and a number of organizations have teamed up "to help more students reach their individual goals, which may include earning a...
Act360 Media Ltd seeks to assist instructors as they transition from a more traditional classroom to a multimedia curricula, whether the topic is science, math, English, or social studies. To that end, actDEN provides a...
Ag in the Classroom is a resource for teachers who teach about agriculture. Information is provided about grants for teaching agriculture, links for resources, conferences, and a teacher page. The teachers page contains...
This site produced by the Dolan DNA Learning Center of the Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory contains a number of high quality animations that explain processes important in bioanalytical chemistry. For example, one...
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