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This is an ebook which is available for free download in PDF format. The eLearning Guild conducted a survey of its members, asking for their favorite tips relating to strategies for effectively creating, managing, and...
Much work has been published in the area of design of laboratory exercises and facilities to support teaching robotics and automation. New opportunities are becoming available, however, to allow laboratory facilities...
A guidance manual, presented by the Texas Skill Standards Board, to help community and technical colleges understand and incorporate skill standards elements into workforce education curriculum. This is a twenty-five...
Bringing a more diverse student body into the world of higher education is important, and a number of organizations have teamed up "to help more students reach their individual goals, which may include earning a...
The Mathematical Association of America's online Digital Classroom site offers no faint praise for this interactive set of tools, noting that "it is exciting, fast, and fully object-oriented". This is all true, and...
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