This site offers free technology, math, science, and language arts resources for K-12 educators with a special emphasis on project-based collaborative student-centered learning. Intel's 21st century teaching and...
"It's All Fun and Games and Then Students Learn" is a session that was delivered at the SAME-TEC Advanced Technological Education Conference on July 30, 2008 by Karl Kapp, educational consultant and author. The...
The Journal of Technology Education (JTE) is a biannual publication that focuses on "technology education research, philosophy, and theory." Over ten years of JTE issues can be accessed on this Web site.
DO-IT serves to increase the success of people with disabilities, especially in fields where they have traditionally been underrepresented, such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. DO-IT uses technology...
Useful info for students, teachers, parents, and administrators, including Ministry programs and services, publications, and links to related sites.
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