Created by David Liao, this site offers a way for scientists, educators and others to investigate biological systems using a physical sciences perspective. On the site, visitors will find video tutorials, classroom fact...
This Oceanus article examines Quahog Parasite Unknown, a mysterious new threat to the shellfish aquaculture business. Code-named QPX, the parasite is an obscure, single-celled relative of slime mold that has both animal...
This 18-page review summarizes a decade of research studying hot spring cyanobacterial mats as models for understanding principles of microbial community ecology. It addresses the emergence of molecular methods and the...
This news article introduces the discovery of a new extreme-loving microorganism, Spirochaeta americana, in California's exotic Mono Lake. It compares the geology of Mono Lake to the Gusev Crater on Mars and discusses...
This article, created by B. Dudley of the University of Keele, describes the process the of capturing and recapturing of mobile animals in order to estimate population size. The author discusses this lesson, he states,...
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