(6 classifications)
(28 resources)
This course, presented by MIT and taught by professor Gilbert Strang, provides a review of linear algebra. Topics include differential equations of equilibrium; Laplace's equation and potential flow; boundary-value...
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode of ATETV looks at Water Management and Biotechnology programs, as well as the emphasis one needs in...
Freestudy is dedicated to providing free tutorials and resources for those studying engineering from the degree level to certificate level. The site specializes mainly in Mechanical Engineering and provides materials on...
This page is interactive resource allowing the teacher to choose among topics related to vector operations. The subjects are organized in flow charts that make it easy to move from one topic to a related item. Vector...
This course provides an introduction to algorithms. Topics include sorting; search trees, heaps, and hashing; divide-and-conquer; dynamic programming; amortized analysis; graph algorithms; shortest paths; network flow;...
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