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This calculator performs the following for a contingency table up to 5x5: chi-square analysis; Cramer's V; two asymmetrical versions of lambda; the Goodman-Kruskal index of predictive association; other measures relevant...
The Real World Learning Objects Library presents a mathematical problem couched in real-life examples for this examination of prisons within a mathematic context. Students consider the business model of a prison, status...
This page will perform the procedure for up to k=12 sample values of r, with a minimum of k=2. It will also perform a chi-square test for the homogeneity of the k values of r, with df=k-1. The several values of r can be...
For a table of frequency data cross-classified according to two categorical variables, X and Y, each of which has two levels or subcategories, this page will calculate the Phi coefficient of association; perform a...
This page will calculate standard measures for Rates, Risk Ratio, Odds, Odds Ratio, and Log Odds. It will also calculate the Phi coefficient of association; perform a chi-square test of association, if the sample size is...
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