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This course, presented by MIT and taught by Professor Gilbert Strang, provides undergraduate level algebra instruction. The materials cover matrix theory and linear algebra including systems of equations, vector spaces,...
Created by Lewis Blake for the Connected Curriculum Project, the purposes of this module are to introduce the concepts of transition matrices and Markov chains; to provide motivation for the definition of matrix...
An online course: learning units presented in worksheet format review the most important results, techniques and formulas in matrix algebra. Introduction to Matrices; Systems of Linear Equations; Determinant; Eigenvalues...
Several online mathematical utilities intended for college and university students (math, physics, engineering, etc. students). Numerical utilities to solve (among others): N Equations in N Unknowns, Eigenvalues and...
Created by David Smith for the Connected Curriculum Project, the purpose of this module is to explore the properties of orthogonal vectors and matrices. This is part of a larger collection of material hosted by Duke...
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