Corresponding to the PBS NOVA television program, this site covers the story of how humans developed a method for finding our way around the globe. It discusses today's greatest scientific challenges, explores GPS and...
This page from GeoTech includes data sources and online maps that would be useful in geospatial courses. Links include the Open Topography Portal, Data Basin, ArcGIS Online Map Gallery, and USGS Seamless Data Server....
This resource provides insight into cutting edge technology in the field of geographic information systems. The stated purpose of this research is "to provide park rangers and other resource mangers with integrated...
This site from SERC's Starting Point features a field lab that can be used to introduce students to basic methods of GPS data collection, uploading the data to a computer, and making simple maps of their data using GIS...
This project, a collaboration between NASA and San Diego State University, "seeks to enhance the utility of remote sensing data by developing Web-based data warehousing, on-line mapping tools and analytic functions." On...
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