Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can help learners of all ages and academic disciplines understand the world around them. GIS helps students and teachers engage in studies that promote critical thinking, integrated...
Aimed at high school students, The Evolution of Technology module combines investigations of these aspects of technology with student projects that illustrate them in detail. Students work in teams to complete a research...
This guide instructs teachers in classroom use of the MELTS software package. MELTS is a software package designed to facilitate thermodynamic modeling of phase equilibria in magmatic systems. It is used by scientists to...
Increased primary and secondary student enrollment, recent expansion of secondary technology education programs, teacher attrition, and the decreasing number of universities offering technology education degrees have led...
Gordon and Mike's ICT Podcast offers perspectives on the information and communication technologies (ICT) industries from Gordon Snyder and Mike Qaissaunee. In this podcast, Mike and Gordon interview Karl Kapp, "a...
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