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(19 classifications) (7 resources)

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Active learning (10)
Audiovisual education. Audiovisual materials (12)
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Educational research. Regional educational laboratories (5)
Experimental methods (17)
Experimental studies in educational theory and practice (4)
Field work. Excursions. Museums (1)
Group work (5)
Information services (1)
Instructional systems (75)
Lesson planning (7)
Practice, laboratory methods, etc. (3)
Problem-based learning (51)
Project method (5)
Reading (General) (2)
Report writing. Research (6)
Teaching aids and devices (5)
Technology. Educational technology (45)



This handbook is designed to help the new teacher, or teachers new to physics, get started in their classes. Each chapter covers a specific physics or pedagogy topic with a short introduction and a selection of lessons,...
Little is known about how well GIS-based learning lives up to its potential for improving students\' skills in problem solving, analysis, and spatial visualization. This article describes a study in which researchers...
Ecoregions denote areas of general similarity in ecosystems and in the type, quality, and quantity of environmental resources. They are designed to serve as a spatial framework for the research, assessment, management,...
This site features an article from the Journal of Veterinary Medical Education applying active learning processes in veterinary classes focusing on asking questions and brainstorming in class. This page is for faculty,...
This learning community, created by Juan Morata and Miguel Montanez, integrates biology and algebra through joint group projects, joint case studies, and class examples and exercises. Through the integrated approach,...
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