This page, from the Mid-Pacific Information and Communications Technology Center, provides useful resources for educators and administrators on promoting ICT education in K-12 schools, community colleges and public and...
This paper from Jason A. Finkelstein of Bronx Community College discusses the college's "Coordinated Freshman Program," which was designed to improve retention of at-risk students. This paper would be very useful for...
This YouTube channel from the Mid-Pacific Information and Communications Technology Center provides a number of useful video clips. Highlights include interviews with professionals from the information technology...
This document from The Center for Women and Information Technology at the University of Maryland outlines the program's mentoring program. Content of the report includes steps to a successful mentoring program, mentor...
There's a wide range of research going on at the University of Rochester, and this specialized website brings together the work of the hundreds of students, professors, and others who work at this institution. Visitors...
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