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This is a website dedicated to girls and women that are interested in technology and engineering. The primary areas of interests for this site are: Medicine, Space, Environment, and Communications.
This paper describes how engineering courses should be changed so they are more appealing to female students. There were major increases in female enrollment in engineering in the eighties but they have plateaued and in...
These pdf slides detail the importance of spatial skills and explain how males frequently have better spatial skills than females. At Michigan Technological University, several studies were undertaken to develop a...
This presentation from Sheryl A. Sorby of Michigan Technological University discusses gender differences in spatial reasoning skills, and the effects of these differences on success and retention in engineering programs....
The typical postsecondary academic career follows a well-ordered path with several discrete milestones. The first of these is securing a tenure-track position at an academic institution, at which point the individual is...
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