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Academies. Societies. Universities. Museums (1)
Aerospace technology (102)
Agriculture (18)
Anthropology and ethnology (3)
Archives. Records (1)
Astronomy (18)
Automobiles. Automobile travel. Motor vehicles (2)
Bacteriology. Microbiology (3)
Biology (50)
Birds. Ornithology (8)
Botany (10)
Cards and card playing (1)
Chemistry (17)
Communication. Mass media (2)
Computer science. Electronic data processing (29)
Criminology (2)
Disasters (2)
Drama. Theater (1)
Education (386)
Electricity (21)
Electronics (17)
Engineering (50)
Entomology (5)
Environment (General and human). Human ecology (31)
Ethics (1)
Fine arts (Visual arts). The arts (General) (5)
Fishing and fisheries. Angling (1)
Forecasting (2)
Gardening. Horticulture. Floriculture. Landscape gardening and architecture (4)
Geography and travels. Maps. Cartography (60)
Geology. Mineralogy. Paleontology (32)
Glass. Glassware (1)
Iron and steel (2)
Manuscripts (2)
Mathematics (25)
Medicine (31)
Metals. Metallurgy (2)
Meteorology (25)
Microscopy (4)
Military science (2)
Mines and mining (1)
Nature (2)
Navigation (2)
Periodicals, newspapers, and other serials (1)
Photography (3)
Physics (23)
Political and social sciences (12)
Psychology (6)
Radio (2)
Railroads (2)
Science. Natural history (17)
Sports. Amusements. Recreation (1)
System analysis. Systems engineering. Operations research (1)
Tobacco. Smoking (1)
Useful arts and applied science. Technology (37)
Water supply. Ground water (1)
Women (34)
Zoology (14)

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