Numerous programs and initiatives to create gender equity in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) have been implemented only to lose effectiveness or fade away. Had these programs had the...
This paper from Jing Feng, Ian Spence and Jay Pratt discusses gender differences in spatial cognition. The team "found that playing an action video game can virtually eliminate this gender difference in spatial attention...
This website is to help parents and teachers get girls interested in engineering and technology. It has a list of recommended activities, readings, websites, and much more. The content is appropriate for various ages and...
This paper describes the results of the pre and post mathematics test administered to student participants of the 2001 Summer Bride Program at the University of New Mexico. This program was sponsored by the Minority...
This paper describes the Women in Technology Project's intervention efforts targeting women in high school, postsecondary education, and the workforce. This includes a survey of all junior and senior students at the...
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