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Title: The National Academies
Url: https://www.nationalacademies.org/
Publisher: National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)
Description: The National Academies of Science was created in 1863 to advise the US government in scientific and technical matters. The Academy and its sister organizations "provide a public service by working outside the framework of government to ensure independent advice on matters of science, technology, and medicine." The National Academies Web site offers timely news articles and event information, as well as a wide array of reports and publications on various subjects including chemistry, earth science, the environment, physics, space, and more. Visitors of the site can freely view the information and even subscribe to the What's New section to keep on top of the latest knowledge being disseminated.
LC Classification: Science -- Science (General) -- Societies
Technology -- Engineering (General). Civil engineering -- Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) -- Engineering mathematics. Engineering analysis -- Periodicals. Societies. Collections. Congresses
Technology -- Engineering (General). Civil engineering -- Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) -- Materials of engineering and construction -- Periodicals. Societies. Collections. Yearbooks
Technology -- Technology (General) -- Periodicals and societies. By language of publication -- English
GEM Subject: Science
Science -- Engineering
Science -- Technology
Resource Type: Reference Material
Format: Document -- HTML
Language: English
Rights: National Academy of Sciences
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 20
Resource URL Clicks: 64
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