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Title: Physics of Music - Notes
Url: https://pages.mtu.edu/~suits/Physicsofmusic.html
Publisher: Michigan Technological University
Description: This site was developed by the Phsics Department at Michigan Tech University. The focus of this site is on the physics of music and various instruments' physical properties. Visitors to the site can view amplitude, frequency, and time graphs of the clarinet, as well as information on musical scales, room acoustics, and white noise. Users can also learn how to construct their own Native American-like PVC Flute and Wind Chimes. This is an excellent resource for anyone teaching or learning about the physics behind music.
LC Classification: Music and books on music -- Literature on music -- Philosophy and physics of music -- Acoustics and physics -- Scales
Science -- Physics -- Acoustics. Sound -- Instruments and apparatus
Science -- Physics -- Acoustics. Sound -- Special topics -- Sound waves
Science -- Physics -- Acoustics. Sound -- Study and teaching. Research
GEM Subject: Science
Science -- Physics
Science -- Informal education
Arts -- Music
Key Concept: Physics -- Sound
Date Issued: 2006
Resource Type: Collection
Reference Material
Audio/Visual -- Graph
Instructional Material
Format: Document -- HTML
Audience: Educator
Education Level: High School
Middle School
Higher Education
Higher Education -- Technical Education (Lower Division)
Language: English
Rights: Michigan Technological University
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Topic in Depth
Full Record Views: 390
Resource URL Clicks: 103
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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