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Title: Albumen Photographs: History, Science and Preservation
Url: https://cool.culturalheritage.org/albumen/
Publisher: Monterey Museum of Art.
Stanford University. Libraries
United States. National Park Service. National Center for Preservation Technology and Training.
Description: The Albumen Website, put together by art and photograph conservators Timothy Vitale, Paul Messier, and Walter Henry (also known as the Web master for CoOL, Conservation Online), presents the art, history, and science of albumen photographs. The gallery features digital images of albumen prints from several institutions, including the Monterey Museum of Art, Library of Congress, and George Eastman House. In the library, users can read books, including the full text of James Reilly's The Albumen & Salted Paper Book: The history and practice of photographic printing, 1840-1895, and dozens of articles, both nineteenth-century and contemporary, on technical aspects of albumen photography. In the video section, clips show Doug Munson of Chicago Albumen Works preparing albumen coating from egg whites and applying it to paper for prints. In short, the Albumen site should satisfy the entire range of interests in albumen prints, from simply wanting to look at them all the way to wanting to create them.
LC Classification: Technology -- Photography -- Photographic processing. Darkroom technique (General)
Technology -- Photography -- Photographic processing. Darkroom technique (General) -- Photographic processes
Technology -- Photography -- Sensitive surfaces -- Papers
GEM Subject: Arts
Arts -- History
Arts -- Photography
Date Issued: 2000
Resource Type: Instructional Material
Format: Document -- HTML
Language: English
Rights: Copyright 2000. John Burke, Walter Henry, Paul Messier, Timothy Vitale, Stanford University Library
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 69
Resource URL Clicks: 43
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating (Based on 1 response.)
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