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Title: The Science and Engineering of Composting
Url: http://compost.css.cornell.edu/science.html
Publisher: Cornell Center for the Environment
Description: The Cornell University Center for the Environment provides this site as a one-stop source of composting information. The science and engineering necessary to truly understand successful composting, including simple and well-explained equations, resides at this site. The content is divided into four categories. Background Information covers four key areas of composting: invertebrates, microbes, chemistry, and physics. Getting the Right Mix introduces composters to the concepts necessary for creating a successful compost pile, including moisture content, bio-availability, and carbon content. Composting Experiments offers ideas for projects to investigate factors influencing the composting process, such as temperature, pH, and invertebrates. Composting Engineering Fundamentals focuses on three engineering principles used in composting: process analysis, odor management, and water quality protection.
LC Classification: Social sciences -- Industries. Land use. Labor -- Industries. Land use. Labor -- Special industries and trades -- Agricultural industries -- Agricultural supply industries. Farm supply industries. Accessory industries -- Fertilizers -- Special products, A-Z -- Compost
Technology -- Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering -- Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering -- Hazardous substances and their disposal -- Special disposal methods -- Biodegradation
Technology -- Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering -- Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering -- Municipal refuse. Solid wastes -- Special disposal methods -- Composting
GEM Subject: Science
Science -- Chemistry
Science -- Biology
Science -- Technology
Health -- Environmental health
Date Issued: 1996
Resource Type: Collection
Reference Material
Format: Document -- HTML
Audience: Educator
Education Level: High School
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Lower Division)
Higher Education -- Technical Education (Lower Division)
Language: English
Rights: Cornell Waste Management Institute
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 22
Resource URL Clicks: 11
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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