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Title: The Uniform Polyhedra
Url: http://www.mathconsult.ch/static/unipoly/
Creator: Maeder, Roman E.
Publisher: MathConsult Dr. R. Mäder
Description: A shortened version of the notebook Polyhedra.ma from Illustrated Mathematics [Gloor/Amrhein/Maeder95]. Uniform polyhedra have regular faces and congruent vertices. Allowing for non-convex faces and vertex figures, there are 75 such polyhedra, as well as 2 infinite families of prisms and antiprisms. A recently discovered uniform way of computing their vertex coordinates is the basis for a program to display all of these solids. The metric properties and graphics data were computed with a Mathematica program, available from this site. Graphics include a list and thumbnail pictures of all uniform polyhedra; a visual index (sensitive map) of all 80 polyhedra; a list sorted by Wythoff symbol; and a guided tour.
LC Classification: Science -- Mathematics -- Algebra -- Combinatorics. Combinatorial analysis -- Design and configurations -- Tessellation and tiling
Science -- Mathematics -- Geometry -- Convex geometry -- Convex polyhedra. Convex polytopes
GEM Subject: Mathematics
Mathematics -- Geometry
Mathematics -- Algebra
Resource Type: Instructional Material
Instructional Material -- Model
Audio/Visual -- Image/Image Set
Instructional Material -- Student Guide
Format: Document -- HTML
Audience: Educator
Education Level: High School
Middle School
Elementary School
Language: English
Rights: MathConsult Dr. R. Mäder
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Math Forum
Full Record Views: 33
Resource URL Clicks: 14
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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