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Title: The Institute for Interactive Journalism PDF
Url: http://www.j-lab.org/
Publisher: University of Maryland. Philip Merrill College of Journalism.
Description: Located at the University of Maryland's Philip Merrill College of Journalism, The Institute for Interactive Journalism helps news organizations and citizens "use new information ideas and innovative computer technologies to develop new ways for people to engage in critical public policy issues". Visitors will want to be sure to look at the section that provides information about their New Voices program which is designed to support innovative community news ventures in the United States. Of course, those involved in such endeavors may wish to peruse the various grant opportunities offered through the Institute. The Institute also sponsors the Batten Awards Innovation in Journalism, which are designed to reward journalism that uses new information ideas and technologies in innovative ways. Visitors can view current and past recipients of these awards, which include a number of interactive website features created by such organizations as the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and KQED in San Francisco.
LC Classification: Language and literature -- Literature (General) -- Journalism -- Journalism. The periodical press, etc. -- Communication in journalism
Language and literature -- Philology. Linguistics -- Communication. Mass media -- Special aspects -- Other, A-Z -- Technological innovations. Technology
Social sciences -- Sociology (General) -- Sociology -- Social change -- Causes -- Technological innovations. Technology
GEM Subject: Language Arts
Language Arts -- Technology
Language Arts -- Journalism
Resource Type: Reference Material
Instructional Material
Format: Document -- PDF
Audience: Professional/Practitioner
Language: English
Rights: University of Maryland Philip Merrill College of Journalism
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 13
Resource URL Clicks: 49
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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