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Title: Emergency Management: Status of School Districts' Planning and Preparedness PDF
Url: https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-07-821t
Publisher: United States. Government Accountability Office
Description: There has been a great deal of unease about how well schools might be prepared for any number of emergency situations. The General Accounting Office (GAO) released this paper on the status of school districts' planning and preparedness. The 25-page document was released in May 2007, and t while the report features some positive findings, all of the news is not good. The findings were based on interviews with federal officials and a number of surveys with state agencies that administer school emergency management grants and public school districts. Within the report, readers will learn that fewer than half of the districts with emergency plans involve community partners. Additionally, 62 percent of districts surveyed noted that there were significant challenges that stemmed from a lack of equipment and training for staff.
LC Classification: Bibliography. Library science. Information resources (General) -- Subject bibliography -- Education -- Special topics, A-Z -- Management, School. School administration
Education -- Theory and practice of education -- School administration and organization -- General -- School safety
Education -- Theory and practice of education -- School administration and organization -- General -- School safety -- School crisis management
Medicine -- Internal medicine -- Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry -- Psychiatry -- Therapeutics. Psychotherapy -- Crisis intervention. Hospital emergency services
Social sciences -- Finance -- Banking -- Bank management -- Other topics, A-Z -- Crisis management. Emergency management
GEM Subject: Health
Social studies
Social studies -- Current events/issues
Health -- Technology
Health -- Safety
Social studies -- Human behavior
Date Issued: 2007-05-17
Resource Type: Reference Material
Audio/Visual -- Graph
Instructional Material
Instructional Material -- Case Study
Format: Document -- PDF
Audience: Administrator
Education Level: High School
Higher Education
Elementary School
Higher Education -- Graduate/Professional
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Lower Division)
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)
Higher Education -- Technical Education (Upper Division)
Higher Education -- Technical Education (Lower Division)
Vocational/Professional Development Education
Language: English
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 9
Resource URL Clicks: 21
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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