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Title: The Geological Society: Plate Tectonics
Url: https://www.geolsoc.org.uk/Plate-Tectonics
Publisher: Geological Society of London
Description: Teachers and students of earth science and physical geography, as well as the generally curious, may find this educational resource on plate tectonics helpful. This resource comes from the Geological Society of London, a nonprofit professional organization founded in 1807, making it the world's oldest geological society. On the main page, visitors will find an interactive world map that can be toggled to show the different types of tectonic plate boundaries and their locations, as well as the global distribution of volcanoes and earthquakes. From this map, readers can click on eight numbered pins to view case studies of various representative plate margins illustrated with short animated videos. These case studies can also be reached via the plate margins link at the top of the page. Plate Tectonics also features a section specifically focused on the tectonic history of the UK. This resource also includes the history of plate tectonics as a science, a concise explanation of the basics of plate tectonics, and a glossary of relevant geological terms. Students may find the test your knowledge section helpful; educators should check out the teachers' zone, where they will find downloadable worksheets, examples of exam questions, and links to other useful resources.
LC Classification: Science -- Geology -- Dynamic and structural geology -- Plate tectonics -- General works
GEM Subject: Science -- Geology
Key Concept: Geography -- Plate tectonics
Resource Type: Collection
Format: Document -- HTML
Audience: Educator
Language: English
Access Rights: Free access
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Source Type: Internet Scout
Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 9
Resource URL Clicks: 20
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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