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Title: Neuronline
Url: https://neuronline.sfn.org/
Publisher: Society for Neuroscience
Description: This publication from the Society for Neuroscience may be targeted at those in neuroscience and related fields, but anyone with an interest in the practicalities of academia and the sciences will find parallels to their own interests and preoccupations. For example, posts in the Diversity section (Explore by Topic) include such articles as "Mentors: Here's How You Can Encourage Women to Stay in Science" and "On Speaking Up: Why Your Voice is Needed to Increase Women in Neuroscience." Site content has been organized into Categories, such as Career Advice, Professional Development, Scientific Research, and Outreach, so that staying on top of relevant issues is easy. The Scientific Research category, in particular, holds many interesting wonders, such as "Why is the Size of an Object Unchanged Regardless of Changes in Viewing Distance?" and "The Drowsy Effect of Sugar." The site may also be Explored by Audience, including Undergraduate, Graduate Student, Postdoctoral Fellow and Trainee, Early Career, Mid-Career, Advanced Career, and others.
LC Classification: Medicine -- Internal medicine -- Neurosciences. Biological psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry -- Research. Experimentation
GEM Subject: Health
Key Concept: Health -- Nervous system
Resource Type: Collection
Language: English
Access Rights: Free access
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Source Type: Internet Scout
Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 4
Resource URL Clicks: 19
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