Overview of a movie on medical imaging. Imagine that you are given an image, say a medical (MRI or CT) scan. Suppose you want to extract the important feature within the image of a digital subtraction angiogram (DSA); in this case, the outline of the artery. One idea is to look for places where there is a big jump in intensity between neighboring pixels. However, it is hard to pick a good value for the jump; too small and you get extra boundaries; too large and you miss the whole show. Another problem is that you can get fooled by large spikes of noise... See also Sethian, J.A., Level Set Methods: Evolving Interfaces in Geometry, Fluid Mechanics, Computer Vision and Materials Sciences, Cambridge University Press, 1996, a book intended for mathematicians, applied scientists, practicing engineers, computer graphic artists, and anyone interested in the evolution of boundaries and interfaces.
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